fatbirdsdontfly: Preening kestrel, Falco Tinnuculus
fatbirdsdontfly: Golden Eye, Bucephalus Clangula
fatbirdsdontfly: Golden Eye, Bucephalus Clangulda
fatbirdsdontfly: Jay, Garrulous Glandarius
fatbirdsdontfly: Jay, Garrulus Glandarius
fatbirdsdontfly: Jay, Garrulous Garndarius
fatbirdsdontfly: Jay, Garrulous Glandariusuntitled-8.jpg
fatbirdsdontfly: Jay, Garrulus Glandariusuntitled-7.jpg
fatbirdsdontfly: Jay, Garrulous Glandasius
fatbirdsdontfly: untitled-5.jpg
fatbirdsdontfly: untitled-10.jpg
fatbirdsdontfly: Sanderlings and "spot the Knott"
fatbirdsdontfly: a dunlin, and turnstone
fatbirdsdontfly: Ringed Plover
fatbirdsdontfly: Fat Chaffinch, enjoying the last of the sun
fatbirdsdontfly: Chiffchaff
fatbirdsdontfly: untitled-36.jpg
fatbirdsdontfly: 4 spot chaser, ( perhaps newly emerged)
fatbirdsdontfly: Common darter in flight
fatbirdsdontfly: Small skipper egg laying into some tall grasses
fatbirdsdontfly: Wool Carder Bee
fatbirdsdontfly: Migrant Hawker
fatbirdsdontfly: Diving Beetle ( Dytiscus Marginalis) Rainton Meadows Pond
fatbirdsdontfly: Diving Beetle ( Dysiscus Marginalis) Rainton Meadows pond
fatbirdsdontfly: Red Admiral ( Vanessa Atalanta) first butterfly I have photographed this year!
fatbirdsdontfly: Pheasant hiding in the meadow, from New South Hide, Low Barnes
fatbirdsdontfly: 4 Spot Chaser, Saltholme
fatbirdsdontfly: Swallow being harried by a juvenile pied wagtail
fatbirdsdontfly: Swallow, Rainton Meadows
fatbirdsdontfly: Common Tern