James Webb Space Telescope: The Pillars of Creation (Webb NIRCam Image)
Srn Hsr: DSCF5361
Srn Hsr: DSCF5238_1
Srn Hsr: DSCF5034_2
Srn Hsr: L1000480
James Webb Space Telescope: A Cosmic Tarantula, Caught by NASA’s Webb
James Webb Space Telescope: Webb’s Jupiter Images Showcase Auroras, Hazes
James Webb Space Telescope: NASA’s Webb Captures Dying Star’s Final ‘Performance’ in Fine Detail
James Webb Space Telescope: NASA’s Webb Reveals Cosmic Cliffs, Glittering Landscape of Star Birth
Kwyjibo Van De Kamp: Little puppy
Enzio H.: Raupe - Schwalbenschwanz
郭瑞霖: SAVE1161-1
WeatherlyKC: United States Capitol Building At Dawn
Srn Hsr: DSCF5366
nomm de photo: A Place Once Called Home
Lee Chu: Good morning! Do you have any snacks in that backpack for me?