Sven ( Klebriger Hörnling / Yellow stagshorn (Calocera viscosa)
ironicdream: Don't be scared, little buddy!
Silke Klimesch: At the Heart of Power
Silke Klimesch: Coffee Geometry
xvasilis650: one more...
xvasilis650: Kiss the rain...
xvasilis650: Crazy ...
xvasilis650: Old church in the morning sun .
xvasilis650: Blue moon
xvasilis650: The beauty of red ...
xvasilis650: Diving into the blue.
DrgnMastr: Simple Rose (20190709-105432-PJG)
DrgnMastr: Take-Away Meal (20120821-110340-PJG)
DrgnMastr: Heron Leaving (20200615-173309-PJG)
DrgnMastr: Incoming Eagle (20160618-194600-PJG)
DrgnMastr: Arctic Tern (20120807-094617-PJG)
DrgnMastr: Eagle at Sunrise (20120721-141804-PJG+)
DrgnMastr: Mt. Hardisty (20121025-100110-PJG)
DrgnMastr: Beautiful Nib (20210228-180736-PJG)
dejan slavkovich: yellow bokeh
dejan slavkovich: under siege
dejan slavkovich: inevitability
dejan slavkovich: transience
dejan slavkovich: green sea
dejan slavkovich: c l a s h
dejan slavkovich: enchanted
dejan slavkovich: atmosphere
dejan slavkovich: big family