Jen's Mom: Tai Banner 1
TaiBoo~: Happy Sweet 16th!
TaiBoo~: Catherine during Student Teacher/Teacher dance
TaiBoo~: Der is somefing on dis floor
TaiBoo~: Panna
TaiBoo~: Bear and Panna together
TaiBoo~: Ring was diagnosed with advanced cancer. He was put to sleep this afternoon. He passed away lying on my chest with my arms around him.
TaiBoo~: Mei taking her morning stroll
TaiBoo~: Guntur da tiger
TaiBoo~: Big Daddy Luke
TaiBoo~: We gots a stick
TaiBoo~: An angel making a snow angel
TaiBoo~: Welcome at bottom of Hill
TaiBoo~: Panna in snow globe
TaiBoo~: Welcome at the top of the hill
TaiBoo~: This is the last time I saw this sweet lady. She was enjoying the early morning sun and looking quite beautiful. She will be missed. Rest in peace sweet lady.
TaiBoo~: Happy Birthday Catherine
Jen's Mom: Happy Birfday Catherine
TaiBoo~: Peaceful Mei
TaiBoo~: I bitted it but it still holded me up
TaiBoo~: You got any fwooties?
NekoMama7: Socks make the outfit
TaiBoo~: Getting ready for graduation.
TaiBoo~: Dance Team dance
TaiBoo~: Jazz Dance
TaiBoo~: Student Teacher/Teacher dance
TaiBoo~: Ballet Dance
TaiBoo~: Jazz Dance
TaiBoo~: Dance Team dance