cpanda01: No zoom!!!!How close I was to tai!!OMG the best moment of my life!!
cpanda01: Bwenda says-45 min till fruitsicle time aww bummer
cpanda01: Soooo tired....
cpanda01: aww panna nap
cpanda01: look he must be dreaming of a fruitie look at his smile!
cpanda01: Playing in da flowers!!
cpanda01: Tai is so fast he could win a race!!
cpanda01: Whewe is my favowite wed baww?
cpanda01: coming out of da rocks
cpanda01: I pwomise I am not a bad boy why I need to do dis
cpanda01: Happy Tai!!!
cpanda01: I am getting my boo!
cpanda01: mmm..... boo
cpanda01: I am climbing up the tree with boo!!
cpanda01: I got it up!!!Yay!
cpanda01: close up!!
cpanda01: Hi Cafwin!
cpanda01: I wove my boo and my twee I give dem hugs!
cpanda01: I got my boo back
cpanda01: Oh No My boo Fell!!
cpanda01: Playing my flute! Toot Toot
cpanda01: Toot toot!
cpanda01: whats ovea dewe?
cpanda01: Hi wock!
cpanda01: Look How tall I am!!
cpanda01: hmm whats dat?
cpanda01: I stick out my tounge at you!!
cpanda01: lets go up da twee again
cpanda01: I am going up!
cpanda01: I wove my twee wots