♫ Belenojon ♫: FS Avantguards Androgyny complete
♫ Belenojon ♫: FS Avantguards Androgyny complete
Barbie.Dream: Such a Gem Dania Zarr by @shantommo
Mar-mur: 1 (5)
Mar-mur: Elise Jolie
Jonlexx: Neo Elyse
miniature fashion by EDB: final challenge AG Gothic Couture
miniature fashion by EDB: Artist with you Collaboration Lovetones doll Roxy
Cold Carbon: Where the Wild Roses Grew
JennFL2: Butterfly Boots by Little Janchor
dragonella2010: ❄️ Hanna ❄️ Queen in the snow ❄️
Angelo La Manna (pandino84): Rayna Eye Candy - Dress By Sinuhe Guzman
samsebeskazal: PBRE4389
samsebeskazal: PBRE4037
samsebeskazal: PBRE4244
samsebeskazal: PBRE1900
Cold Carbon: Gan, my love
samsebeskazal: IMG_5203
samsebeskazal: IMG_8128
samsebeskazal: samsebeskazal-3416.jpg
samsebeskazal: samsebeskazal-8374.jpg
samsebeskazal: PBRE1237
samsebeskazal: IMG_2644
Alisa Vert: A-Z challenge: J - Jewelry Junkie
Alisa Vert: Ayumi
Monsieur Winslow: Victoire Roux trombinoscope
JennFL2: Velvet Rouge Vanessa Shoes
Monsieur Winslow: Dania Zarr
Jesús_Doll Addict: Old is new Giselle