Rafael Jaime: DSC_0161
Rafael Jaime: IMG_5784 - copia
Rafael Jaime: DSC_0031-2
Rafael Jaime: DSC_0101
Rafael Jaime: DSC_0161
ricardoandrés: Candles.
ricardoandrés: VarsityVarsityVarsityVardsity
ricardoandrés: I was just learning to love you in time.
ricardoandrés: The greatest.
Luis Montes.R: IMG_8852
VillanuevaFL: Hogsmeade
VillanuevaFL: China, Epcot
Rafael Jaime: DSC_0059
*Capture the Moment* thx for over 50 mil views: The Wonder of tiny Lightballs
*Capture the Moment* thx for over 50 mil views: Golden Snow Shower - the Joy of Light
Rafael Jaime: Quieta entre espinas.
Rafael Jaime: Sintiendo calidez
hanspartes: Surf at Jardim do Mar Madeira