G-TAKI: 20240609_sdf01 : IR practice
G-TAKI: 20240609_sdf02 : Test on combining 470nm and 590nm
G-TAKI: 20231119_sdf01
G-TAKI: 20231119_sdf05
G-TAKI: 20231119_sdf02
Hgooi BJD: DSC06311S
G-TAKI: 20220626 : IR practice : blending different wavelengths
bottlefairy: (ФωФ).。oOうごかにゃい
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Enmusubi, Hozuki and Kosuzu (3)
Manns Woodland Perspective: Chickadee Nesting-2
+Rei+: 天穹
Manns Woodland Perspective: Steel Workers Union
bottlefairy: お年賀撮影中
+Rei+: 光的倾泻
G-TAKI: 20210620 : M50 pos-conversion test shooting
G-TAKI: 20210410_sdf13
G-TAKI: 20210410_sdf12
Pikko_chan: Garden Studio
Manns Woodland Perspective: Julia, First day in the garden (1 of 1)-6
G-TAKI: 20200825 : 水遊び