Ro Cafe: Balanced
Ro Cafe: Equilibrium
Shokosseite: gentle afternoon
matt.kueh: Ethereal
florence.richerataux: Helios 40-2 85mm f/1.5
matt.kueh: I Don't Forget
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cnajhar: IMG_9365_edit
cnajhar: Merry Christmas to all of you, Flickr friends! 😊
Ro Cafe: Pinecone
Ro Cafe: Alone acorn
Ro Cafe: Red berries
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Jasrmcf: Sony a7 50mm
Jasrmcf: Sony a7 50mm
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matt.kueh: Secret Places
cnajhar: IMG_0268_edit
KissThePixel: November Nights..
Ro Cafe: Fall in love
pszcz9: ***
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cnajhar: LrMobile0307-2016-105910655453486416
cnajhar: Have a nice Sunday :)
cnajhar: PA051109_edit
cnajhar: Have a nice Sunday!
cnajhar: IMG_3435 smart copy