chumaroza_planet: Rostov Velikiy. Metropolitan garden
chumaroza_planet: Rostov Velikiy. The strength and elegance of old Russian architecture
chumaroza_planet: Rostov Velikiy. Gate Church of St. John the Evangelist
chumaroza_planet: Rostov domes
chumaroza_planet: Rostov Velikiy. Church of the Savior in the hallway. (Церковь Спаса на Сенях)
chumaroza_planet: Rostov Velikiy. Russian architecture of the 17th century. Porch of the White Chamber
chumaroza_planet: Rostov Velikiy. Representative beauty
chumaroza_planet: Rostov Velikiy. Twelve centuries of Russian history
chumaroza_planet: Rostov Velikiy. Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary