natekinnear: Rate this setup
natekinnear: Mainly looking for nice trades like rulons but offer up. Tagged 8 fit 9
natekinnear: Mainly looking for nice trades like rulons but offer up. Tagged 8 fit 9
natekinnear: Mainly looking for nice trades like rulons but offer up. Tagged 8 fit 9
natekinnear: Mainly looking for nice trades like rulons but offer up. Tagged 8 fit 9
natekinnear: Mainly looking for nice trades like rulons but offer up. Tagged 8 fit 9
natekinnear: Sz 9.5
natekinnear: What shoes is kolat wearing in this pic? They have footsweep soles
natekinnear: Is there anything I can do to prevent the asics signs from falling off these if I want to wear them?
natekinnear: Tagged 7.5 but fit like 8.5 Og combats. Looking for trades size 8.5-9.5 or $$
natekinnear: Tagged 7.5 but fit like 8.5 Og combats. Looking for trades size 8.5-9.5 or $$. GONE
natekinnear: Tagged 7.5 but fit like 8.5 Og combats. Looking for trades size 8.5-9.5 or $$
natekinnear: Tagged 7.5 but fit like 8.5 Og combats. Looking for trades size 8.5-9.5 or $$