shadabquaderi: Devoted.
shadabquaderi: Happy Feet.
shadabquaderi: Devoted.
shadabquaderi: Faces of Dhamrai 3
shadabquaderi: Faces of Dhamrai 2
shadabquaderi: Faces of Dhamrai.
shadabquaderi: tête-à-tête
shadabquaderi: The last of the Potters.
shadabquaderi: The last generation of Potters of Dhamrai.
shadabquaderi: Those eyes.
shadabquaderi: Quintessentially Monsoon.
shadabquaderi: Into the Light.
shadabquaderi: Riverine.
shadabquaderi: Ancient form of storytelling.
shadabquaderi: Ancient form of storytelling.
shadabquaderi: Ancient form of storytelling.
shadabquaderi: Peaceful.
shadabquaderi: Raindrops & a hibiscus 🌺
shadabquaderi: Layers of history in a palm sized flat bread called Bakarkhani.
shadabquaderi: Woman of Substance.
shadabquaderi: Dawn. Synchronicity. Figures. Surreal.
shadabquaderi: Forgotten.
shadabquaderi: Windows of Dhamrai.
shadabquaderi: The Deity under the Banyan tree.
shadabquaderi: Under the Banyan Tree.
shadabquaderi: The Pottery Maker.
shadabquaderi: The Pottery Maker.
shadabquaderi: The Pottery Maker.
shadabquaderi: The Pottery Maker.