Pantchoa: Venice : Il ragazzo con la rana ( The Boy with Frog ) / Charles Ray sculptor / Biennale di Venezia
Christian Cabuay: My 2nd #baybayin #hat is now available. Grey colorway #strapback not #snapback features all 17 characters #streetwear. See to order. For #Philippines, contact @gearheadonline
Rana Pipiens: Far from Siberia. Bergenia cordifolia, Siberian Tea, and European Peacock, Inachis io, Hortus Haren, Haren, Groningen, The Netherlands
Christian Cabuay: On the train in #Japan with academics discussing either South East Asian scripts or #Japanese social norms. The bald fellow is Pierce Kelly from #Australia who gave a fascinating presentation on his research on the mysterious Eskaya script from #Buhol #Ph
Christian Cabuay: Some happy customers who walked away with two #love pieces of #baybayin #philippine #calligraphy #sideboob
Christian Cabuay: Me wearing a Baybayin #barong with @apldeap at the Kalayaan press conference. Perfect position under my "Ka" on the banner I wrote. #baybayin #philippine #calligraphy
lunar-1: Fleurs de cactus
Christian Cabuay: My audience for my #baybayin lecture in #Paris
Rana Pipiens: The Green and the Brown. Setangi River, Setangi, Lombok, Indonesia
Mac63: Buddha Tree Ayutthaya Thailand
Rana Pipiens: Purple in the Rain. Crocus, Emmaplein, Groningen, The Netherlands
Rana Pipiens: Teaching Discretion. Nigella sp. or Black Cummin, Jardin des Plantes, Paris, France
Yu-Yee: Brno 005-1
ribizlifozelek: Bratislava
lunar-1: le Canigou, 22 12 2012, 12:00
Rana Pipiens: Zebraic Winter. Heliconius charithonia, Zebra Longwing, Hortus Botanicus, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
drstephenb123: Carved bamboo (betel) box, Thailand
drstephenb123: Sri Lankan Junglefowl
drstephenb123: Betel Pestel Handle
drstephenb123: Circumcision dolls
Apo Lakay: Jose Honorato Lozano "Filipinas 1847" Album
Rana Pipiens: 'Plants of the field'. Symphoricarpos sp., Snow- or Coralberry, Noorderplantsoen, Groningen, The Netherlands
Rana Pipiens: Poisonous Winter Colors. Eranthis hyemalis, Winter Aconite, Martinikerkhof, Groningen, The Netherlands
Chesil: Diversion
Rana Pipiens: Lustrously Green. Chrysosoma vittatum, a Long-Legged Fly, on Costus woodsonii, Red Button Ginger, Taman Tasik Perdana, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
ishreh: My Baybayin Milk Label design in French Book
Phil Roeder: Manila Water Taxi - Sep 54