rolandstiedl1: The large dome hall in the @kunsthistorischesmuseumvienna
rolandstiedl1: My first attempt from a two-row panorama in the beautiful @ Kunsthistorischesmuseumvienna
rolandstiedl1: My lovely little friend with my new Olympus Makro
rolandstiedl1: My lovely little friend with my new Olympus Makro
rolandstiedl1: Neptune fountain At the end of the Great Parterre and at the foot of the mountain slope rises the Neptune Fountain, which was part of the overall concept of garden design from the 1770s, commissioned by Maria Theresia.
rolandstiedl1: The ruin of roman - - Originally called the "ruin of Carthage", the Roman ruin stands at the foot of the wooded Schönbrunner Berg. This building is an ensemble designed by Johann Ferdinand Hetzendorf von Hohenberg. It was built in 1778 and is completely i
rolandstiedl1: Das Wochenende steht vor der Tür darum winken wir der vergangenen WocheπŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰ - - The weekend is just around the corner so we wave last weekπŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
rolandstiedl1: Stille Betrachtung - Silent contemplation
rolandstiedl1: The eagle watches over everything, seen in @nhmwien - There is so much to see and be amazed at Vienna
rolandstiedl1: The eagle watches over everything, seen in @nhmwien - There is so much to see and be amazed at Vienna
rolandstiedl1: All the splendor of these beautiful buildings can only be captured, as seen in @nhmwie
rolandstiedl1: Canon shot with a Lumix πŸ˜‰πŸ˜€πŸ€” " seen at the @nhmwien - Hans Canon an Austrian painter (1829-1885) created this imposing ceiling painting "Circle of Life"
rolandstiedl1: Auch andere Museen haben schöne Kuppeln, gesehen im @nhmwien - Also other museums have beautiful cupolas, seen in the @nhmwien
rolandstiedl1: Inside Museum of natural history Vienna
rolandstiedl1: Aussicht......., Übersicht........,Umsicht........, - View ......., survey ........, prudence ........,
rolandstiedl1: An angel in the empty
rolandstiedl1: Der Musensaal in der Albertina
rolandstiedl1: Robert Frank
rolandstiedl1: An old part of an big machine, even instruments used to look pretty.
rolandstiedl1: Look down and...
rolandstiedl1: Probably the best-known salt flask in the world
rolandstiedl1: Backside of the original "Etrich Taube" see it in the technology museum of Vienna
rolandstiedl1: Original "Etrich Taube" see it in the technology museum of Vienna
rolandstiedl1: Old school WhatsApp ☺☺
rolandstiedl1: The Captain's place is often lonley
rolandstiedl1: Old technology
rolandstiedl1: Look up and see it
rolandstiedl1: Detail of a big old engine
rolandstiedl1: Gesehen neulich in der Präsidäntschaftskanzlei. πŸ˜€πŸ˜
rolandstiedl1: Neulich in der Präsidäntschaftskanzlei. πŸ˜€πŸ˜