barbara.mccahill: Week 52-Celebration-Life is Good-1
clydephotoman: week 52 - celebration - both celebrated here
hoppyjov: jhopkins-week-52-celebration-birthday-balloons
Merrill Heit: Week 52 - Celebration- A Hell of A Year
BobG22012: Week 51-Street Scene-West 34th St-Bob Guido
photos by dee: week 50-candlelight-soft glow
hoppyjov: jhopkins-week-51-street-scene-Northport holiday lights
clydephotoman: week 51 - street scene - red balls
clydephotoman: week 51 - street scenes - homeless
clydephotoman: week 51 - street scenes - radio city
Merrill Heit: Week 51-Street Scene - Something Fishy
bobbieturtle: week 51-model street scene
BobG22012: Week 50-Candlelight-Lanterns Candles and Wreaths-Bob Guido
jkbodkin: week 50 candle light ornament
jkbodkin: week 50-candle-light
hoppyjov: jhopkins-week-50-candlelight-holiday-warmth
clydephotoman: week 50 - candle light - gentle
bobbieturtle: Week 50 - lighting-the-first-candle
jkbodkin: week 49 - burst of color - pigeon
jkbodkin: week 49-burst-of-color in downtown NYC
photos by dee: week 49-burst of color - The Tree
Merrill Heit: Week 49 - A Burst of Color - Blow Ups
jkbodkin: week 49 - burst of color -wall street vendor
hoppyjov: jhopkins-week-49-burst-of-color-Stepping-Stones-Museum-for-Children
clydephotoman: week 48 - Thankful - for the stuff that graces my home that represents thankful
photos by dee: week 48-thankful-all together
bobbieturtle: Week 48 - Thankful
hoppyjov: jhopkins-week-48-thankful-safe-harbor
clydephotoman: Week 47 - Books -- Travel reading
Merrill Heit: Week 48 -Thankful - Now More Than Ever