Caaji: Harpy
homeschoolshortbus: Still Life drawing flowers. Took about 1 1/2 hours
fadedraws: Seek
21PixelArts: Portrait of my Dad!
Caaji: Redraw
jenally99: Happy 20th Anniversary to one of my favorite movies that’s the same age as me “The Iron Giant”❤️😊
fadedraws: Cute Ferrari
Demarcation Media: Cloud Strife
fadedraws: Autumn Angle
Demarcation Media: Desperate battle
fadedraws: Vintage Light
Caaji: K E N Y A D E S S
Caaji: Kenya Dess
Lord.of.the.Flames: LOOK AT MY GRASS!!!!!
Meme Doc P.H.D: The sorta-not so (final) announcement
homeschoolshortbus: Earth Dragon, done with colored pencil. Took me about 2 hr.
Caaji: Spider-Man card for Sis
fadedraws: Sokka!!
mihaelarucareanu: Wild strawberries - my favourite fruit!
FANTXTIK: Custom Metal Slug figure!
Demarcation Media: The Immortal Hero
tazousz2: otter
fadedraws: Twilight Sky
Caaji: Family Photo!
Pookie_Monster: I'm Back!
Demarcation Media: Hero Of Twilight
jenally99: The drawings I did for Vbs at my Church
FANTXTIK: Sci-Fi Sona Contest is now closed! Results should be out very soon :)