trhdds: Brown Pelican
Axel Hildebrandt: Hooded Merganser
ashahmtl: 0P7A7036 Panama Flycatcher, Panama
stanley.ashbourne: Tufted duck
D. C. Peters: Red-headed Woodpecker with a snack
Pierre Casavant: Harfang des neiges, Snowy Owl, Bubo scandiacus. DSC_4364-1.jpg
Glenn.B: Lapwing
Picsnapper1212: Official State Bird of Ohio
ChasingNature: Male Bushtit
chris n cox: Sparrowhawk
Michel Roesink: Roerdomp / Eurasian bittern / Botaurus stellaris
John Arthur Thompson: Eurasian Hoopoe (Upupa epops)
mittiellanipi: Setophaga Pitiayumi. Reinita Tropical. Tropical Parula. Explore February the first.
blackhawk32: Red Tail Hawk Karma-2
MDAD1961: Barn Owl
Xtian du Gard: Pont de Gau 2025 - 7
sdawesy1: Crowned Lapwing (Vanellus coronatus)
Hari K Patibanda: A Montagu's Harrier preening just before sunset
peter57117: Blackpoll Warbler_3009_DxO
markvcr: Black-bellied Plover
Phil on Skye: Robin Take Off
MatB73: Bushy Cormorant
eerokiuru: Spotted Nutcracker (Nucifraga caryocatactes)
last_glacier: Winter Serenity...
letombe.elisabeth: et hop pipi pic vert femelle
Christian Valenzuela: Northern Pintail
lildesrosiers: Barred owl
Rob Melone: Ring-necked Duck
Stefano B.54: Poiana - Buteo buteo