Claudio Nichele - Instagram: cnichele65 (X: @jihan: Sketchnotes: Trip to Luxor, Egypt
Claudio Nichele - Instagram: cnichele65 (X: @jihan: Mahmya island on Red sea, Egypt
Allan O'Marra: Just off the easel: 'Antique Bottle VI
Allan O'Marra: Cedar Rail Fence-Winter Sunset
Allan O'Marra: Final painting (number 18) for 2022: 'Milk Bottle Still Life'
Kumi Matsukawa: Direct watercolor
Kumi Matsukawa: Ginza underground pass way
Kumi Matsukawa: Coffee selfie
r0sejam: Tabletop Dot
martinesan: Gênes: le lion de l'université pleut
martinesan: Gênes : le vieux port avant la pluie
panda1.grafix: Sydney Harbour, Storm coming, Goat Island
inter-: Cinta Vidal Agulló
inter-: Tara McPherson
inter-: shoen-uemuras-140th-birthday-Google
inter-: Kim Jung Gi
inter-: Yoskay Yamamoto
inter-: Lemnos CARVED。
Plume de soi (e): 21 - Carnet d'été 2013
pirlouit72: Greece, Santorini, Oia
Tiffany Levy: Nature Journaling Workshop @ Marin Headlands NP with John Muir Laws and Clare Walker Leslie...
Tiffany Levy: Fall Colors - Masking and Glazing Workshop, October 2019, w/Maria Coryell-Martin
Tiffany Levy: Fall Colors - Masking and Glazing Workshop, October 2019, w/Maria Coryell-Martin
Roemer Art: Valentines' Day card
Roemer Art: There will be ups & downs