Sultan Sultani: Yellow-rumped Warbler
neilhilton65: Golden Eagle (male)
Richard J Hunt: Snow Bunting as the tide goes out.
Ricardo Bitran: Nubian Woodpecker (Campethera nubica), Tarangire National Park, Tanzania 2019
Ricardo Bitran: Lappet-faced Vulture (Torgos tracheliotos), Tarangire National Park, Tanzania 2019
neilhilton65: Eurasian Wigeon
Richard J Hunt: Chiffchaff in the gorse
Ricardo Bitran: European Roller (Coracias garrulus), Tarangire National Park, Tanzania 2019
neilhilton65: Masked Trogon
neilhilton65: Torrent Duck (male)
dtfld: Great Spotted Woodpecker
geoffmcguire91: seat view coniston
geoffmcguire91: coniston south end
geoffmcguire91: sit and think
geoffmcguire91: SIZUER CASTLE
paulhaughian: Robin up close
neilhilton65: Eurasian Bittern
neilhilton65: Black Brant
neilhilton65: Sabine's Gull
davoson: Sun Kissed Sands
Tony Howsham: Iridescent Starling
biguglystuff: blue-gray gnatcatcher
biguglystuff: Eastern Bluebird
biguglystuff: American Pipit
Richard J Hunt: Reed Warbler singing away
Dmitrij Andreev: Long-eared owl (Asio otus)