cigcardpix: Trade Card - Boy Scout - Fireman's Carry
DenisePhoto1: Day 235 - I found this old boy when I was sorting out dad's things. Much battered but I don't have the heart to throw him out.
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J-W Brown: Wonersh Troop 1949.
DrLepervanche: #Repost @scoutmasterjose ・・・ We received BSA International Spirit Award for gaining a greater knowledge of #InternationalScouting and awareness of different cultures and countries. Follow #ScoutingAdventures2017 in our visits to #ScoutsSpain #ASDE #MSC an
worldscouting: VCicmanec_Brno02052017_01
DrLepervanche: Being a resource behind the scenes is the result of enabling others to be front leaders. Beyond #LeadingEDGE. #YouthLeaders
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Berthold Sinaulan: Reporting from the Jamboree (3)
RAWportraiture: RAW Portraiture