potatobird: 2017-04-21_12-10-03
potatobird: Gorgeous day
potatobird: blue3 wip
potatobird: blue2
potatobird: Green final
potatobird: Green4
potatobird: Green3 - WIP from Wendy Brightbill's online class, Playing Big.
potatobird: Green2 - WIP from Wendy Brightbill's online class, Playing Big.
potatobird: Green - WIP from Wendy Brightbill's online class, Playing Big.
potatobird: Nibbles
potatobird: Nibbles
potatobird: Vegan cashew pesto. Amazing.
potatobird: Good "leave it"!
potatobird: I was spoiled with a long sleep-in today and eventually got up to investigate the whining at the bedroom door ... here's what I found! Lol!
potatobird: Allie
potatobird: Allie Aug2015 - her DNA test results
potatobird: At the off leash dog park
potatobird: Allie swimming for her ball...wherever it might be...
potatobird: Allie and Buddy at the beach on a hot summer day.
potatobird: Swimming at the dog park.
potatobird: Allie got the courage to swim today! She usually just wades in and her feet never leave the ground.
potatobird: Cooling off on a hot day
potatobird: Dear son, Please put your things away when you come home. Thanks, Mom xo
potatobird: Happy Allie under the table.
potatobird: Puppy feet!
potatobird: Puppy ears
potatobird: Puppy feet... in the hallway.
potatobird: Puppy feet... under the coffee table!
potatobird: The kings