Marsha Kirschbaum: Crown of Perseids
Marsha Kirschbaum: Andromeda Rise- Above the California Hills
Marsha Kirschbaum: Urban Lights - Aurora Shines in Oakland, CA
giuseppedr: Weddell seal cube sleeping on ice
Wales and beyond: Candid Portrait
stephenhjcole: Cloud spill
Wales and beyond: 'Lady Anne'
Catness Grace: But wait! There's More!!
Juliaforphotos: keyboardist
marko.erman: Purple vortex
Wolfgang Schrade: Traubenhyazinthe
Marsha Kirschbaum: Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks Over Giacomini Wetlands
t.mendak: Winter Bridge II
geraldkoenigsohn: the chapel
upvkcjpw67: Mist on the Hill
photoriel: Epalinges, Vaud, Switzerland
-Weissglut-: along the path
t.mendak: Square
t.mendak: Uniwersytecka / Jaracza
manni0656: Phalaenopsis
mapecard: "Fishermann".
_LABEL_3: Fruchtkorb
pmhoste: Nocturns
skipants60: Denali & Hunter Alpenglow