fannylougauthier: Nobel peace prize center. #lesson3
fannylougauthier: Solli plass - granit building
fannylougauthier: Oslo, Stortingata et Torenskjold gala, Ferner Jacobsen building.
fannylougauthier: #lesson2 #lesson2house
fannylougauthier: After lesson 1 I thought I would go back to the nationaltheatret (oslo) and try doing a complete sketch. The sun had moved however so I got to do the other side of the building. I tried loosening up a bit.
fannylougauthier: #lesson1 a bigger version of 2 of my Oslo Nationaltheatret sketches.
fannylougauthier: #lesson1 a bigger version of 2 of my Oslo Nationaltheatret sketches.
fannylougauthier: #lesson1 I realise looking at that the angles are quite wrong. It gets a bit better in the 4th exercise. That is nationaltheatret in Oslo.
fannylougauthier: Gassin, France
fannylougauthier: Etangs de Villepey, Frejus, France
fannylougauthier: Bygdoy, Oslo, Norway
fannylougauthier: Monaco ville street
fannylougauthier: IMG_20160811_124053
fannylougauthier: #lesson1 The final sketch of the Manly Church.
fannylougauthier: #lesson1 I'm quite happy with my sketch. Especially the one with positive shapes. The negative shapes are quite awkward, esp the tower. Also I think I need to use another paper for watercolor...
fannylougauthier: #lesson1 Manly church feeling edges. I'm quite happy with the result. And also I'm training to use my new fountain pen. To be better I should have made the tower higher and thinner at the top to show the perspective given by the photo.