Jambo53 (): Deep concentration!
Jambo53 (): Playful!
Jambo53 (): A happy landing!
Jambo53 (): Preening Common Kingfisher!
Marks Meadow: Skull_01_2024_ADJ
Unmuzzledsword: IMG_4634
Unmuzzledsword: IMG_5139
Andy Morffew: Yummy!
Jambo53 (): Common Buzzard!
Jambo53 (): Another attendee arriving at the feast!
Andy Morffew: That's a Fine Catch!
Jambo53 (): Blending in....
Jambo53 (): Let there be light....
Jambo53 (): Proud posing Robin!
Jambo53 (): Got you!
Unmuzzledsword: Sutherland street scene in watercolour
Nathan J Hammonds: Short Eared Owl
Jambo53 (): Affection!
Jambo53 (): When it itches.....
Jambo53 (): On top of the hill!
Unmuzzledsword: IMG_3628
toni belobrajdic: 56 x 76 cm
Jambo53 (): A friendly giant!