richard.robert999: Cerf de Virginie / White-tailed Deer / P2140009.jpg
Bruno Conjeaud: Long-tailed Fiscal (Lifer)
jt893x: Brown Creeper
Marie-Claude Paquette: Chouette rayée
rdelonga: _M4_6598.jpg
Patricia Ware: Looking Up!
Michel et Micheline: Chouette lapone
Michel et Micheline: Chouette lapone
Michel et Micheline: Chouette lapone
richard.robert999: Cerf de Virginie / White-tailed Deer / 2021-02-14 P2140030-V.jpg
sylvain.messier: Chouette rayée | Montréal, Québec
Michel et Micheline: Chouette lapone
denismichaluszko: Buse variable / Common Buzzard
denismichaluszko: Milan royal / Red Kite
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Kestrel (URN:1117)
Linda Martin Photography: Togetherness....
Ken Krach Photography: Canyonlands Beauty
anacm.silva: Bonelli's Eagle / Águia-perdigueira
Ken Krach Photography: Gold in Colorado
MindfulnessArt: Dans la tempête de neige / In the snowstorm
JEO126: Gray squirrel, black morph
rdelonga: _R5_4963CRop.jpg
mandokid1: Ruby-crowned kinglet.
Guilherme_Martinez: Germany Air Force
Ken Krach Photography: Nova Scotia Sunrise ... HWW
Ken Krach Photography: Trees in the Light
marcbenezech: aigrettes garzettes
steve whiteley: 'Shake it all about'
Ken Krach Photography: Bald Eagle & Fish