vaughanfoulkes-arnold: Damn nature, you scary! A Southern Hawker Dragonfly eating a Peacock Butterfly, a sight i've not seen before!
Manx John: Large Red Damselfly - Pyrrhosoma nymphula
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Mallard Chicks in the Garden
PhotoSuperHD: Super happy to finally capture a Barn Owl in its natural habitat!
jim_mcculloch: Female Argia damselfly
Manx John: Banded Demoiselle - Calopteryx splendens - Female
Rich Walker Photography: Trebarwith Strand
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Kestrel in Flight
Manx John: Banded Demoiselle - Calopteryx splendens - Female
"Jerry" Newman: Smorgasbord
adrian_nutter: Bombus hortorum 2
Leanne Boulton: The Observer
Leanne Boulton: Flashback Friday: Rainy Days
KHR Images: Barn Owl
driveu19: Warbler.-1-4
sdawesy1: Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea )
Alf Branch: Parton ICM
monte stinnett: Peregrine fledge