coaches only: Can't spell the welsh bit
jeff.day48: C262 GUH
jeff.day48: C262 GUH
jeff.day48: C262 GUH
RocknRave: Preserved National Welsh C262 GUH
Rapidsnap: Preserved Bus - C262GUH - PRBC20240584PreservedBusandCoach
Adrian's Transport Photos: National Welsh - C262GUH 2024-05-25 1 (XC262 National Express Rapide) Adrian Brown
jeff.day48: C262 GUH
trombone_1959: XC262 (2)
Connie749: C262GUH 1986 Leyland Tiger CTL11-3RH Buses Festival Gaydon 19.08.18
SlightlyReliable70-2023: National Express liveried Plaxton Paramount C262GUH XC262 Stroud Leisure Centre
Rapidsnap: Preserved Bus - C262GUH - PRBC20240672PreservedBusandCoach
s.mitchell461: Leyland
Adrian's Transport Photos: C262GUH 20230701 1 (National Welsh, National Express Rapide XC262) Adrian Brown
Rapidsnap: Preserved Bus - C262GUH - PRBC20240670PreservedBusandCoach
Rapidsnap: Preserved Bus - C262GUH - PRBC20240583PreservedBusandCoach
Rapidsnap: Preserved Bus - C262GUH - PRBC20240671PreservedBusandCoach
s.mitchell461: Leyland
SlightlyReliable70-2023: National Express liveried Plaxton Paramount C262GUH XC262 Stroud Leisure Centre
bigdan14025: XC262 | C262GUH | Cotswold Vintage Bus Rally, Stow on the Wold Rugby Football Club
zephron300: Plaxton Paramount
Adrian's Transport Photos: National Welsh XC262 C262GUH 2024-06-09 2 Adrian Brown
Adrian's Transport Photos: National Welsh XC262 C262GUH 2024-06-09 1 Adrian Brown
Adrian's Transport Photos: National Welsh XC262 C262GUH 2024-06-09 3 Adrian Brown
Alex Drennan: 1982 C262GUH XC262
One Seven Seven: National Welsh NS492 (BUH 240V)
jackneedham2011: C262GUH Showbus Donnington Park
Rapidsnap: Preserved Bus - C262GUH - PRBC20191062PreservedBusandCoach
dmgbuses: C262GUH National (Welsh) Express Alton 07-22