lifeandstory: Train vs Car vs Human
lifeandstory: It's Just so a great day to ride a bicycle
lifeandstory: A Rainy Friday Night
lifeandstory: Which gender do you want to be born as?
lifeandstory: A black hole in town
lifeandstory: it's okay-! it happens to lots of bridegrooms before marriage!
lifeandstory: The first Sunday noon after my project's done.
lifeandstory: Which one is the first?
lifeandstory: Hello spring, Hello rain, Hello greens, hell...o... fine dust!
lifeandstory: A house and a boat Floating in the Sky
lifeandstory: "Well,, I prefer to have my fried egg with the yolk broken..."
lifeandstory: Hope nobody finds me and bothers me zZz...
lifeandstory: Cup Guys "OMG-! This is my first time to take a train-!!"
lifeandstory: As soon as I sit at a table for a cup of coffee,
lifeandstory: Home alone, Real alone
lifeandstory: Yeahhh TMR is Monday!!
lifeandstory: The Ocean-Sky view
lifeandstory: The Starbucks' hidden Barista
lifeandstory: Mom~ Dad~ What are you doing??
lifeandstory: Hey Buddy-! Stay away from her. We are having a conversation.
lifeandstory: My little planet
lifeandstory: The airline route on Mars, the year of 2119
lifeandstory: Collecting Tomato balls to make a wish in my little Jurassic World!
lifeandstory: Mm~ It's raining outside.
lifeandstory: If there were Time-Machines, Yashica T4 would be one.
lifeandstory: Wherever you hide from me, I can find you Guinness!
lifeandstory: We are gonna have a Mango Time-!
lifeandstory: Oh, finally I found a smoking area! Can I get the fire?
lifeandstory: His and her wedding day
lifeandstory: Chilling with the little fella - All night