Dalantech: Crab Spider with Prey
hartsaj1: Alert
maxthedog180@hotmail.com: CHARLIE !! Look at your feet
DaveSticker: Variegated Fritillary
Dalantech: Nesting Female Mason Bee
Kumaravel: Euploea core
Thomas Hawk: Found Kodachrome Slide
KaAuenwasser: Auf dem See
Jos Mecklenfeld: Ruiten Aa
DaveSticker: Dutchman's Breeches (Dicentra cucullaria)
maxthedog180@hotmail.com: Something smells good
maxthedog180@hotmail.com: Getting his exercise
pstenzel71: Glory of the Snow
c-wingerden: Der Wolf
pstenzel71: In the Green
Thomas Hawk: Too Beautiful to Name
Thomas Hawk: Critter
Thomas Hawk: A Certain Type of Participation
Thomas Hawk: There It Is, The Sun Rises, But the Sun Also Sets
Thomas Hawk: Oakland Sunsets
cate♪: Lake Hibara before sunrise
Maldenees: Wageningen2
pstenzel71: Helleborus
iwona_podlasinska: driving through (night)