Uptown Birds: Painting of dogs, Washington Heights
Uptown Birds: Snowy egret at Sherman Creek on the Harlem River
Uptown Birds: Factory, Birmingham
Uptown Birds: American Woodcock in Bryant Park
Uptown Birds: Snow bunting at Jones Beach
Uptown Birds: Immature red-tailed hawk in Inwood Hill Park
Uptown Birds: Red-tailed hawk in Fort Tryon Park
Uptown Birds: Belted kingfisher, Sherman Creek, NYC.
Uptown Birds: Yellowlegses at Cape May Meadows
Uptown Birds: American kestrel at Governors Island
Uptown Birds: Obligatory moon shot
Uptown Birds: Osprey, Inwood Hill Park
Uptown Birds: Sandhill crane, Indiana Dunes
Uptown Birds: Belted kingfisher at Sherman Creek in Manhattan.
Uptown Birds: Barry the Central Park barred owl
Uptown Birds: Least sandpiper, Sherman Creek.
Uptown Birds: American kestrel outside my window; Upper Manhattan
Uptown Birds: Palm warbler on the Boreal Life trail at the Paul Smith’s College VIC.
Uptown Birds: Rose-breasted grosbeak at the Wild Center in Tupper Lake, New York.
Uptown Birds: Rose-breasted grosbeak at the Wild Center in Tupper Lake, New York.
Uptown Birds: Canada warbler, Fort Tryon Park
Uptown Birds: Yellow warbler, Fort Tryon Park
Uptown Birds: Canada warbler, Fort Tryon Park
Uptown Birds: Barred owl in Central Park
Uptown Birds: Green heron at Sherman Creek.
Uptown Birds: Blue jay, Sherman Creek
Uptown Birds: American tree sparrow, Fort Tryon Park
Uptown Birds: Red-tailed hawk, Fort Tryon Park
Uptown Birds: Belted kingfisher, Swindler Cove
Uptown Birds: Great blue heron, Sherman Creek.