divotaglia: Falco di palude (Circus aeruginosus)
jhapeman: DSC00177.jpg
Cindy's Here: Expensive Beauty
Stan Celestian: Wulfenite
Stan Celestian: Lightning 2
Stan Celestian: Lightning Fire 1
Stan Celestian: Lightning
divotaglia: Martin pescatore maschio ( Alcedo atthis )
Cindy's Here: Beautiful!
Rnoltenius: burst ....!
franco4553: Bruco di macaone.
eagle1effi: Rote und wenige Gelbe - PAPRIKA -
Peter Torraca: Giant Green Garnet
cobalt123: Big Red's Brother, Rhodochrosite Crystal
howie516: Fluorite
howie516: Realgar crystal with Calcite crystals
howie516: Pyrite crystals over Fluorite
howie516: Fluorite crystals
howie516: Bicolor Tourmaline crystal
howie516: Fluorite crystals on matrix, nice color zoning
agedsenator: Il vigile
virginio46: Colza
howie516: Fluorite Crystal
Eric Hunt.: Tourmaline
Eric Hunt.: The Searchlight
Eric Hunt.: Fluorite on muscovite mica