Williamsport75: numérisation0076
PhotosNormandie: LC001965
War History Online: Canadian personnel man a portable Triple Polsten 20mm anti-aircraft mount, a descendant of the Oerlikon design. France, June 1944.
War History Online: A soldier of the Sherwood Foresters arrives home on leave. Credit: IWM (Q 30400).
apfelauge: jacobi camping
War History Online: An American M4A3 Sherman tank crew of the 7th Armored Division, Germany, 1945.
Alan Mays: Earliest Known Texting Photo?
Michel Le Querrec: LC001965-annotations
thardy1: Kraftfahrer WW1 - 18GM
thardy1: German soldiers - 18GL
Morton1905: 3148 Muz Erster Weltkrieg year ~ 1916. WWI A company of mountain patrol Military Museum of the Slovenian Armed Forces and Military History Park Pivka
thardy1: Masch. Gew. Scharfschützentrupp 72, 18. Reserve Division 1916 - 18GG
Morton1905: 3042 Muz Slovenia Great War WWI Trench warfare Italian soldiers killed Vojaški muzej Slovenske vojske in Park vojaške zgodovine Pivka Military Museum of the Slovenian Armed Forces and Military History Park Pivka
Fam. Wouters: Maschinengewehr 1908 on a trench mount
Fam. Wouters: German soldiers in Turkey - Türkei, 1918
capitainefracasse: Photo of French mounted gendarmes. - 1914
Wooway1: Burlesque Performer
sctatepdx: Robert Gray Reid - our family mystery - moved to front of photo stream with new information added.