Karen and her camera: Share the Love
Karen and her camera: Singing Ringing Tree
Karen and her camera: Zebra crossing
Karen and her camera: Monkey's new shirt
Karen and her camera: Reserved Parking
Karen and her camera: ring ring...
Karen and her camera: Reach for the Stars
Karen and her camera: ball of string
Karen and her camera: Colourful - not yet...
Karen and her camera: Passion Killer
Karen and her camera: Illegally parked
Karen and her camera: silver tools
Karen and her camera: Finding Phillip
Karen and her camera: Silver Sparkles
Karen and her camera: iPhone obsession
Karen and her camera: Lets paint...
Karen and her camera: Get organised
Karen and her camera: Cat Burgular
Karen and her camera: The key to LOVE is...?
Karen and her camera: Happy Home 2017
Karen and her camera: oops, spilt my coffee