memoriaeresident: .: the gloaming :.
memoriaeresident: .: true :.
memoriaeresident: Dances with Sheep
memoriaeresident: "You're passing up a swell chance, honey. Where I spit no grass grows ever." Miriam Aarons [Paulette Goddard], The Women 1939]
memoriaeresident: You can have your rib back
memoriaeresident: .: just casual :.
memoriaeresident: .: peace :.
memoriaeresident: .: traveler, take root :.
memoriaeresident: .: red :.
memoriaeresident: "Troubles A' Comin"
memoriaeresident: “Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones”
memoriaeresident: Dyrhólaey - March 22, 2022
memoriaeresident: Furillen - March 18, 2022
memoriaeresident: .: mem of ides :.
memoriaeresident: DeeTaleZ - Photo Contest - Mem's Esra
memoriaeresident: .: ebb tide :.
memoriaeresident: .: keep your head above water :.
memoriaeresident: I Talk to the Wind
memoriaeresident: S&P 7 year anniversary contest
memoriaeresident: .: Pierrot & the Peacock :.
memoriaeresident: .: knock, knock :.
memoriaeresident: .: I'd rather be blue, thinking of you :.
memoriaeresident: .: a sweeter night :.
memoriaeresident: .: puffster people :.
memoriaeresident: .: quiet night :.
memoriaeresident: *Aigoo dreams of Ann Margaret*
memoriaeresident: .: magic happens here :.