T. Goto: Sunspots 2017 09/08
T. Goto: M51 Whirlpool Galaxy
T. Goto: M81 Bode's Galaxy (zoomed)
T. Goto: M81 Bode's Galaxy
T. Goto: Rotation of the Jupiter
T. Goto: Venus -2016.12.29
T. Goto: M42 Orion Nebula
T. Goto: Aurora Borealis
T. Goto: NGC891
T. Goto: NGC7662 Blue Snowball Nebula
T. Goto: Flare of Iridium 94
T. Goto: Shadow of ISS transiting the Sun
T. Goto: ISS Transiting the Sun (Video)
T. Goto: ISS transiting the Sun
T. Goto: NGC7662 Blue Snowball Nebula (x3)
T. Goto: M45 Pleiades
T. Goto: M27 Dumbbell Nebula
T. Goto: NGC6946 Firework Galaxy