Amon The Ancient: A ruin should always be protected but never repaired - thus may we witness full the lingering legacies of the past. - Walter Scott
Amon The Ancient: I can see the cracks in the perfection. I can see the poison that’s tainting your essence. And every break, every scar and burn and fissure in your soul only makes it more beautiful. ― Caroline Peckham, Dark Fae
Amon The Ancient: Thank You So Much Again.
Amon The Ancient: Sometimes you have to confront your demons and sometimes even let them loose to genuinely find a place where you can gain some understanding. - Peter Mullan
Amon The Ancient: The perfect blossom is a rare thing. You could spend your life looking for one, and it would not be a wasted life. - Katsumoto - The Last Samurai
Amon The Ancient: There was a dark aura about him, a hint of caged power in that deceptively casual, sprawled poise. Danger personified. ― Heather R. Blair, Blood in Fire
Amon The Ancient: Fantasy Faire 2024
Amon The Ancient: A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading. - William Styron
Amon The Ancient: Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody. The moon is a loyal companion. It never leaves. It's always there, watching, steadfast, knowing us in our light and dark moments, changing.
Amon The Ancient: Sometimes, the most beautiful stories arise from the darkest of places.
Amon The Ancient: An infinity of forest lies dormant within the dreams on one acorn. - Wayne W. Dyer
Amon The Ancient: Every life holds an epic tale, even if no one alive remembers it. ― Greg Melville
Amon The Ancient: It was as good as sealing yourself into a dungeon. Walled in, with nowhere to go but your own doom. ― Haruki Murakami
Amon The Ancient: We make up horrors to help us cope with the real ones. - Stephen King
Amon The Ancient: Creativity is what helps me escape a lot of my inner demons. - Demi Lovato
Amon The Ancient: There's something overwhelming about being in raw nature. It's got an aura about it is that is really kind of majestic and spiritual. - Christopher Lloyd
Amon The Ancient: I Dont Fear My Demons, Because I Am One Of Them. - Kaneki Ken
Amon The Ancient: Everyone has monsters and demons within themselves. They're metaphors for the human condition. - Mark Pellegrino
Amon The Ancient: There is nothing to playing the organ. You only have to hit the right notes at the right time and the instrument plays itself. - Johann Sebastian Bach
Amon The Ancient: Some days seem to fit together like a stained glass window. A hundred little pieces of different color and mood that, when combined, create a complete picture. - Maggie Stiefvater
Amon The Ancient: Confront the dark parts of yourself, and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness. Your willingness to wrestle with your demons will cause your angels to sing.
Amon The Ancient: Only one may enter here. One whose worth lies far within. The diamond in the rough.
Amon The Ancient: Under A Weeping Willow I Will Read Your Last Rites.
Amon The Ancient: Thank You SO Much :)
Amon The Ancient: In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary. - Aaron Rose
Amon The Ancient: I Am Not A Haunting Terror Of The Night, I will Herd Your Soul And Keep It Safe For You,
Amon The Ancient: Come To Us And Let Us Win. We Will Always Bow To You If We Want To.
Amon The Ancient: Most people feared the darkness. Some people feared, more wisely, the things within the darkness. Gabriel feared both, and with good reason. He walked anyway. And the world never seemed to run out of monsters.
Amon The Ancient: If you must mount the gallows, give a jest to the crowd, a coin the hangman, and make the drop with a smile on your lips. - Robert Jordan - The Fires Of Heaven - Book Five Of The Wheel Of Time
Amon The Ancient: Metamorphosis takes time. But the change you get is worth the wait.