Kanté: Barstool
Kanté: Clerk Walk V
stu ART photo: Rhyl, Wales
stu ART photo: Bryan, Texas
Rick Del Carmen: Land Line II
Rick Del Carmen: The Raven
pascalRIBEN.com: Nakhon Pathom, Thailand
koen_jacobs: Hats
Mathieu.L: Émile
Mathieu.L: La promeneuse
Mathieu.L: Bye Bye
balthasart.marc: Variations on stairs
Rick Del Carmen: Very Close Friends
Rick Del Carmen: "The Journey" War Memorial
Sarah Zambiasi art: 'Dream 256'
sakia_ce: Street
sakia_ce: Portrait
sakia_ce: Fake Face!
sakia_ce: Tranquility
diwan: the cathedral in Magdeburg
Cat Man!: Some Liberties Taken
Richard P Brown: Untitled
..Jan: Neulich am Strand
GR167: Money for Nothing
Paul Dermot Gallagher.: The tide is in but this sad little fishing boat has the look of abandonment
stu ART photo: Southsea, England
Paul Dermot Gallagher.: The Constant Gardener.