Sami Länsipaltta: Round'n Round
Sami Länsipaltta: Milky way
里卡豆: 香港|Hong Kong
里卡豆: 我從小單槓就拉不好|鐵橋
frodekoppang: All kind of weather at once over the valley of Åseli, northern Norway.
florian.diebold: Quiraing, Isle of Skye, Scotland Luci e Ombre
里卡豆: Say Hi to GOD.|Mavic Air
György Soponyai: Red Moon Rising
Kito K (fxkito2): like a jellyfish
里卡豆: 牛奶海|宜蘭
davoson: Super Blue Eclipsed Moon
J-B Kucharski: Directions
Janko H-a: Babia Góra
里卡豆: 螢河派對|FIREFLY
lilifortier: 20180310-P3100234
里卡豆: Rainbow studio|Tokyo
Fernando+Merced: Gracias por cada gota de lluvia
moeiiw: #TravelThailand #Olympus #Olympusomd #Photographbymoeiiw
里卡豆: Taipei 101|夜台北
gryphon1911: 01-01-2018_em5mk2_COSI_P1010026.jpg
里卡豆: 東京隨拍|澀谷 Shibuya
里卡豆: 蘆之湖|箱根
里卡豆: What are you looking at?|跨尛?
里卡豆: 河口湖|富士山 Fujisan
Gerrit Fricke: 上海 Shanghai
Álvaro Moreno Gómez: Bajo mi techo Rey y Reina.