In Memoriam: FISHERMAN'S PASSION AND OPEN NATURE..: - UN HOMENAJE AL SR HORNERO..( Furnarius rufus - Rufous Hornero ) TOMA EN BOTANICO THAYS ,BUENOS AIRES - ARGENTINA ..El hornero fue declarado como “Ave Nacional Argentina” en el año 1928 ! The hornero was declared as "Argentine National Bird" in 1928
denismichaluszko: Torcol fourmilier / Eurasian Wryneck
DorianHunt: Le denude cable ;)
Tifaeris: Pie-grièche écorcheur
Markus Wallmann: Bläuling im Gegenlicht
Mike Barth Photography: Spotted Redshank (Tringa erythropus)
beatricechevalieragnel: Ourson volant
Jerry Ting: Allen's Hummingbird
alainfrere34: Goéland argenté . Larus argentatus - European Herring Gull
roberto parmiggiani: Hoopoe - upupa
ChristianMoss: Peacock.
orencobirder: Song Sparrow
Aurélien BERNARD: Beautiful Clarée
SASPhotography67: Happy Saturday
soniamarmen: Seafoam - Macro Monday Oil on Water
brian.pic66: Puffin (Explored)
Linda Martin Photography: Pesky fish - just won't keep still!
nick edge: Suburban fox
steve shipley: Female Kingfisher
denismichaluszko: Guêpier d'Europe / European Bee-eater
steve shipley: Female Kingfisher
just4memike: Eye to eye
Sento74: _SEN5293-E
Sento74: Cernícalo vulgar (Hembra)
Ken Phenicie Jr.: Northern rough-winged Swallow
aline.beauchemin: Bruant des prés / Savannah sparrow
roberto parmiggiani: Hanging - appeso
Steven Rossi: Black throated Green Warbler