flaviobergo: IMG_6328 lytta vesicatoria
flaviobergo: IMG_7221 Coenonympha arcania
flaviobergo: IMG_1953 ghiandaia marina (Coracias garrulus)
flaviobergo: IMG_7858 Coenonympha oedippus
flaviobergo: IMG_9265 canapino (Hippolais polyglotta)
flaviobergo: IMG_8451 Torcicollo (Jynx torquilla)
flaviobergo: MVI_0990 picchio nero (Dryocopus martius)
flaviobergo: IMG_8527
flaviobergo: IMG_2580 topino (Riparia riparia)
flaviobergo: IMG_8304 Limenitis camilla
lindapp57: Swamp Sparrow
laurent fiol: Chat forestier 3
michafink: Wiesenschafstelze juvenil - Yellow wagtail juvenile
Oeil Sauvage: Northern light, seen in southern France !
riccardomissagia1: Melitaea athalia /celadussa
marie1179: Macro mondays : charm
Insektenflug: Rolf Nagel-Fl-20-6025-Anthidium byssinum
marie1179: Blauwe ertsbij - Ceratina cyanea
DaveSticker: Frog Orchid [explored]
saracenovero: Philomachus pugnax (56)
_Nurnpaarbilder_: Saturnia pavonia
bertheeb: Rotfuchs 24044
Mike Mckenzie8: Early Purple Orchids
VERONIQUE SUC: des marguerites par milliers et l'ascalaphe 1
laurent fiol: crème d'Aurore
Landscape Photography Magazine: Free Feature • Read the 'Behind the scene' story
crittersnapper: On manoeuvres !