Ernest Bech: To bad weather... good photos !
enneafive: Ghost Church
CoronaViking (mountain photography): Where Silence Breathes: A Solitary Awakening in New Zealand's Southern Alps
Maxime Légaré-Vézina: Quetzal resplendissant - Resplendent quetzal
里卡豆: 阿柴柴|Shiba Inu
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Haus Jen: 大園鄉村間
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giyumul: "Watch me I can pin this shot (with special effect-boomerang)!"
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writing with light 2422: Chilled Ranch Dressing
silvell: 黒一輪
里卡豆: 蚵仔煎|最好吃的餅乾
Markom 4.0: Here I am
段小豪: 蘭嶼
里卡豆: Fujisan 富士山|本栖湖
Haus Jen: 😽
Haus Jen: 🌝
里卡豆: Tokyo tower|東京鐵塔
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