easyroute: Untitled
kiri-fuda: Reflections of Hie Jinja
柄松稔 minoru karamatsu: parapet (欄干)
TokyoMorningDetails: Pondering change and loss
TokyoMorningDetails: Honmachi night owls
TokyoMorningDetails: Pruning the mikan tree
easyroute: Untitled
DrunkenRat: Time to end the day
DrunkenRat: Waiting for the bus
kiri-fuda: Mikoshi Showers
kiri-fuda: Little Cub
easyroute: Untitled
Alfie | Japanorama: Taxi, Yokohama
Alfie | Japanorama: Door at Hie Shrine, Tokyo
easyroute: Untitled
paaddor: Ball Game in Shallow Water
TokyoMorningDetails: TV wrapped in plastic for large garbage pickup
Blue Nozomi: Into the light, once more
kiri-fuda: Procession of the Obosan
Yasu Torii: Tokyo, 2015
threestopsover: South Brisbane 2021