donlope1: Porteur d'eau
fabriciodo2: Hamadryas feronia
-denju-: Hover Fly
-denju-: Resting Bumblebee (Bombus terrestris)
-denju-: Snipe Fly (Rhagio scolopaceus)
-denju-: Another Snipe Fly (Rhagio scolopaceus)
-denju-: Skipper
-denju-: Hoverfly (Metasyrphus sp.)
-denju-: Green bottle fly
fabriciodo2: Junonia almana
Brian_Harris_Photography: Ruddy Turnstone Explore 6-1-2017
Dave Fieldhouse Photography: Vertigo - in explore
laurent fiol: " Rêv'ailes (2) "
Hammerchewer: When I'm calling you!
Mobile Lynn: Don't mind me! - Super Tiger Legged Waxy Monkey Leaf Frog D50_8101.jpg
betty wiley: run like the wind - explored
Tomas Mauri: - GIRASOL -
Tomas Mauri: - SUNSET -
Tomas Mauri: Banyoles
Tomas Mauri: - OJAZOS -
Tomas Mauri: - BELLEZA Y COLOR -
Dev's pictures: DSC_8754
Céanndhubahn: Aspyn Cielo
Di Daу: Романтика
Di Daу: Маттерхорн в свете авроры
jonathan le borgne: Reine sous les étoiles
Marc McDermott: In the jaws of winter