photomedic88: GlycerinDrops (01)
gdrecupero: IMG_2733
gbuten: Creating a sense of vertigo and movement
gbuten: Julius, a very nice rasta man! Kodak tx 400 shot with my 1961 Yashica Mat
gbuten: Bronica ETRS first day test
gbuten: Lunar Eclipse January 2019
pmwaxman: PMW_1521
totonka2001: DSCF9399
basildevon: DSC_0511
basildevon: DSC_0394
tplatt68: Last night was so challenging but lots of fun. Not perfect but a work in progress.
pmwaxman: PMW_1521
pmwaxman: DSCN0119
sallysafari: Macro-plant
totonka2001: DSCF9168
totonka2001: DSCF8927
chellparis1: floating spoons1