spotwolf5: Telephoto. Toward the confluence area of the East Fork and the Main Fork Salmon River
spotwolf5: East Fork of the Salmon River valley
spotwolf5: The East Fork of the Salmon River
spotwolf5: Confluence of the East Fork (left) and the Main Fork (right) of the Salmon River
spotwolf5: The East Fork of the South Fork of the Salmon River
spotwolf5: The South Fork of the Salmon's East Fork
spotwolf5: Cliffs along the East Fork of the South Fork Salmon River
spotwolf5: Confluence of the South Fork Salmon and the East Fork of the South Fork Salmon River
spotwolf5: Yankee Fork of the Salmon River
spotwolf5: South Fork of the Salmon River at Stolle Meadows. Western Idaho
spotwolf5: Middle Fork of the Salmon River near Daggar Creek
spotwolf5: The Middle Fork of the Salmon just downstream from Dagger Falls
spotwolf5: The canyon of the Middle Fork of the Salmon River
spotwolf5: At the mouth of the Middle Fork (confluence with the Main Fork Salmon River)
spotwolf5: Mouth of the Salmon River's Middle Fork
spotwolf5: The Little Salmon River in western Idaho
spotwolf5: The Main Salmon River near French Creek
spotwolf5: Pine Creek Rapids on the Main Salmon
spotwolf5: South Fork of the Salmon flows over yellow stones
spotwolf5: Yankee Fork of the Salmon canyon well upstream
spotwolf5: Salmon River near Clayton, Idaho. At sunset
spotwolf5: The headwaters of the Main Salmon River trickle down the canyon
spotwolf5: View down into Horse Creek. May 1976
spotwolf5: Middle Fork of the Salmon upstream from Dagger Falls
spotwolf5: Beginning of the Salmon River Trail
spotwolf5: The main Salmon River from the Stoddard Creek Trail
spotwolf5: East Fork Salmon River. High water from snowmelt
spotwolf5: In the East Fork Salmon river valley, Idaho
spotwolf5: The Salmon River in its upper canyon (between Stanley and Challis, Idaho)
spotwolf5: The Salmon River a few miles north of Challis, Idaho