Terry from Sydney:
Surfers Paradise, Queensland
Terry from Sydney:
Walcha NSW
Terry from Sydney:
Lorikeet in a flowering red gum tree
Terry from Sydney:
The Three Sisters, Blue Mountains NSW Australia
Terry from Sydney:
Sydney harbour bridge testing blue lighting for the Vivid Festival
Terry from Sydney:
Water squirting out of the road during the big storm in Sydney last weekend
Terry from Sydney:
Rex the bush dog
Terry from Sydney:
Rex and sheep first contact
Terry from Sydney:
A nice sunset in Sydney today
Terry from Sydney:
Scribbly bark gum tree
Terry from Sydney:
The Telegraph in Sydney creates headlines in the style of "The Sagas of the Icelanders"
Terry from Sydney:
bush turkey road of rubbish
Terry from Sydney:
"It's an exciting time to pee in Australia" - Misheard election solgans
Terry from Sydney:
blue flower wasp
Terry from Sydney:
A bull ant threatening me
Terry from Sydney:
Vivid Festival - Sydney Opera House
Terry from Sydney:
Vivid Festival - Sydney Opera House
Terry from Sydney:
A big, green, spiky caterpillar on our mandarin tree
Terry from Sydney:
Sydney Vivid Festival
Terry from Sydney:
A nice lunch at Balmoral Beach, sydney
Terry from Sydney:
Dee Why Beach
Terry from Sydney:
Dee Why Beach sea water pool
Terry from Sydney:
Rock pool at Dee Why Beach
Terry from Sydney:
Breakfast at Dee Why Beach today
Terry from Sydney:
Big surf At Dee Why Beach today
Terry from Sydney:
Big surf at Dee Why Beach today
Terry from Sydney:
Dog finds gold rated smell in Willoughby
Terry from Sydney:
Another nice day at Dee Why Beach
Terry from Sydney:
Some bottlebrush trees go for flower overload
Terry from Sydney:
Some bottlebrush trees go for a few bright flowers