Terry from Sydney:
Eucalyptus tree starting to shed its bark
Terry from Sydney:
The faithful hounds
Terry from Sydney:
Terry from Sydney:
Huntsman spider on a blind
Terry from Sydney:
Otto and Rex
Terry from Sydney:
Otto's ear colour is white
Terry from Sydney:
Otto on guard
Terry from Sydney:
Terry from Sydney:
Terry from Sydney:
Moonrise over Canberra
Terry from Sydney:
I took the dog for a walk along the path next to Curl Curl Beach today. Too bad dogs aren't allowed on beaches.
Terry from Sydney:
Rex doing his morning check that all is well in our backyard
Terry from Sydney:
Rex photobombed my nice picture at the cafe
Terry from Sydney:
While walking the dog, I saw this huntsman spider sitting on a neighbour's front fence
Terry from Sydney:
Rex is a bit annoyed that I'm wasting time taking pictures of the jacaranda trees on our walk
Terry from Sydney:
A red gum in flower on a street in the neighbourhood
Terry from Sydney:
The contents of a mud wasp's nest that I destroyed in my bathroom
Terry from Sydney:
A jacaranda tree on a street in the neighbourhood.
Terry from Sydney:
Rex keeping a eye on me in case I try to go for a walk without him
Terry from Sydney:
I saw this flock of cockatoos while walking the dog this evening
Terry from Sydney:
I was visiting Caboolture. Queensland when I noticed this beautiful little jumping spider on my car. It was only about 1 cm long
Terry from Sydney:
Rex looking forward to the dog park Christmas Party
Terry from Sydney:
Rex says, "It's a nice day for a walk"
Terry from Sydney:
Terry from Sydney:
Rex in his dog house
Terry from Sydney:
The bottle brush trees are in flower in Sydney
Terry from Sydney:
The bottle brush trees are in flower in Sydney
Terry from Sydney:
The bottle brush trees are in flower in Sydney
Terry from Sydney:
I took the dog for a walk this morning. Our shadows came too.
Terry from Sydney:
When one dog gets a pat, the other dog wants a pat too