Raymond V: Lady Slipper 3436as
Raymond V: Lady Slipper 3355a
Raymond V: Pitcher Plant Blossoms 3401a
Raymond V: Pitcher Plant Blossom 3421a3
Raymond V: Pitcher Plant 3383a
Raymond V: Wildflower Columbine 3329b
Raymond V: Water Lily 3406b
Raymond V: Frost on Rose 3498s
Raymond V: Frost on Rose 3487a
Raymond V: Frost on Rose 3485a
Raymond V: Frost on Leaves 3482a
Raymond V: 24-46 Frost on Leaves 3493b
Raymond V: Autumn Crocus Lilies 3465csf
Raymond V: Halloween Ghost 3846cF
Raymond V: Farmer's Stand 3834b2f
Raymond V: Pumpkins 3832af
Raymond V: Are You Going to Share That? 4018ss2
Raymond V: House Finch 3996a
Raymond V: House Finch 4154c
Raymond V: Starling 3951a2
Raymond V: Robin 3890a2
Raymond V: PEC Marsh 3828a
Raymond V: 24-41 PEC Beach Water Gang 3782b
Raymond V: PEC Beach Fence 3820a
Raymond V: PEC Beach 3813a2
Raymond V: 24-40 Dog Chasing Frisbee 3799bm
Raymond V: 24-40 Dog with Woman 3776a2m
Raymond V: 24-39 Seagulls in Flight 3815a2
Raymond V: 24-38 And now we wait .....
Raymond V: 24-36 Enter at Your Own Risk 3713b2d2