doubletap67: Sunset Reseda Point3D
doubletap67: Sunset Reseda Point 5D4
doubletap67: Feelin Warm
doubletap67: Getting the short end of the stick.
doubletap67: Geese Grooming
doubletap67: Happy Dog
doubletap67: Boat Dock
doubletap67: Bird Feeder
doubletap67: Mad Terrier
doubletap67: Pedal Boat
doubletap67: Terrier Crossing Leg
doubletap67: Cute Pitbull
doubletap67: Pitbull heart
doubletap67: Happy Pitbull
doubletap67: Bird Species Poster @Balboa Lake
doubletap67: 54ball
doubletap67: Fisherman
doubletap67: Fisherman
doubletap67: Ben Aflac
doubletap67: Fisherman
doubletap67: Helpful little gadget
doubletap67: .308 Win
doubletap67: Always need more space!
doubletap67: Drone Attack
doubletap67: Live Music TLapse
doubletap67: Full tank of gas!
doubletap67: Sports Authority Field at Mile High
doubletap67: Thirsty?