Wayfaring In The Wild: On our way up to the open fell with Sulitjelma below.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Gikenelva waterfall
Wayfaring In The Wild: Bad road ahead!
Wayfaring In The Wild: Ny-Sulitjelma
Wayfaring In The Wild: View of Ny-Sulitjelma cabin and the valley surrounding it.
Wayfaring In The Wild: An even grander Gikenelva waterfall.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Heading towards the hikes first river ford.
Wayfaring In The Wild: The first ford. Sulitelma massif hidden in the clouds behind.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Storelvvatnan
Wayfaring In The Wild: Yoga near Storelvvatnan.
Wayfaring In The Wild: First nights camp spot at Storelvvatnan.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Heading up a pass. One of Sulitelmas glaicers can be seen to the left.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Bajep Sårjåsjávrásj is still frozen in the middle of August.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Panorama over Bajep Sårjåsjávrásj and the way we're going.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Lots of snow. Heading down the valley ahead.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Sorjus cabin can be found by the water in the distance.
Wayfaring In The Wild: We go that way!
Wayfaring In The Wild: A lake with no name.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Bajit Sorjosjávri in the distance.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Sorjus cabin
Wayfaring In The Wild: Steep snow field we had to go around.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Sorjus cabin
Wayfaring In The Wild: Hiking the Nordkalott trail as it follows the shore of Bajit Sorjosjávri.
Wayfaring In The Wild: View back towards Sorjus cabin.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Western end of Sårjåsjávrre.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Getting closer to Sweden.
Wayfaring In The Wild: The peak Hammaren in the background.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Scary Norwegian bridge across a nameless river.
Wayfaring In The Wild: On the border to Sweden.